14. 4. 2020
One year postponement of beverage container deposit
In the context of the pandemic, Parliament approved emergency measures to postpone container deposits to 2023.
The COVID-19 disease has caused many changes, which have also been reflected in the waste sector. The selection procedure for […]
8. 4. 2020
How to handle waste during COVID-19
Pursuant to the opinion of the Public Health Authority of the Slovak Republic, the protective equipment used by households or employees under normal operations – masks, respirators, gloves, tissues - should be disposed of as normal waste. Therefore, no special procedure is applied here. This waste is deposited only into mixed waste. […]
5. 3. 2020
Producers´ obligations for 2019 complied with
In accordance with § 27 (4) (h) and § 28 (4) (d), paragraph 1.2 of Act No. 79/2015 Coll. on Waste, as amended. ASEKOL SK as a producer responsibility organization complied with its statutory obligation and filed a summary EEE and WEEE Treatment Report and BA and Used BA Treatment Report for all represented producers.
19. 2. 2020
New red-and-white containers for small waste EEE were installed in Zvolen
Fourteen new red-and-white containers serving for collection of small waste electrical and electronic equipment were installed in Zvolen in February. Zvolen is the 20th Slovak town where such containers were placed.
31. 1. 2020
Notification obligation complied with
ASEKOL SK s.r.o., a producer responsibility organization, complied with its notification obligation as referred to in § 28 (4) (h) and (k) of Act No. 79/2015 on Waste, and