Producer of EEE
Producer of EEE means any natural or legal person / authorised businessman who, irrespective of the selling technique used, including distance communication:
- is established in the Slovak Republic and manufacturers and sells electrical and / or electronic equipment under its own brand
- is established in the Slovak Republic and resells electrical and / or electronic equipment produced by other suppliers under its own brand
- is established in the Slovak Republic and imports or exports electrical and /or electronic equipment within the territory of the European Community.
Foreign producer of EEE means any natural or legal person / authorised businessman, who is based outside the Slovak Republic and sells electrical and / or electronic equipment by means of distance communication directly to consumers in the Slovak Republic.
Distance producer of EEE means any natural or legal person / authorised businessman, who is based in the Slovak Republic and sells electrical and / or electronic equipment by means of distance communication directly to consumers in another country.
If a distributor makes an EEE available on the market, which is originated from a non-registered producer, the distributor is considered to be the producer and should assume the obligations of the producer.
Electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) means:
- equipment the function of which depends on electrical current or electromagnetic field
- equipment for the production, transfer and measuring of electrical current or electromagnetic field
- equipment which is designed for use in voltage not exceeding 1,000 V for alternating current and 1,500 V for direct current
- equipment falling within the categories 1 to 10.
Introduction to the market
Introduction of a product to the market in the Slovak Republic consists in the first paid (e.g. by sale or leasing) or unpaid (by gift, lending) transfer of a product to another person or entity in the Slovak Republic by its producer for the purpose of its distribution or use. Importing a product should be considered as an introduction to the market.
Product categories
On 1 January 2019, the Waste Act No. 79/2015 Coll. changes !
6 groups of EEE according to Annex No. 6, Part II of the Act on Waste:

Heat exchange equipment
refrigerators, refrigerators, air conditioning, pumps

Displays and monitors larger than 100 cm2
televisions, computer monitors

linear fluorescent lamps, energy efficient fluorescent lamps and discharge lamps

Large devices with a dimension of more than 50 cm
washing machines, stoves, music equipment, electronic instruments

Small devices with all dimensions of less than 50 cm
home appliances, consumer electronics, toys, leisure equipment

Small IT devices with all dimensions of less than 50 cm
phones, calculator, keyboard