Portable batteries according to Regulation concerning batteries and waste batteries
30. 5. 2024
„Portable battery“ according to new Regulation, means a battery that is sealed, weighs 5 kg or less, is not designed specifically for industrial use and is neither an electric vehicle battery, an LMT battery, nor an SLI battery. THe only difference from the previous meaning is weight limit supplement.
The new concept is implemented, i.e. „portable battery of general use“. It is a portable battery, whether or not rechargeable, that is specifically designed to be interoperable and that has one of the following common formats 4,5 Volts (3R12), button cell, D, C, AA, AAA, AAAA, A23, 9 Volts (PP3);
What duties shall be determined by the Regulation for portable batteries?
To make the new duties more comprehensible, we prepared for you „term table“ for portable batteries:

Date | Name | Provision | More information: |
18.2.2024 | Restrictions on substances | Batteries shall not contain more than 0,0005 % of mercury by weight (Hg) | Annex I. |
18.2.2024 | Restrictions on substances | Batteries shall not contain more than 0,002 % of cadmium by weight. (Cd) | Annex I. |
18.8.2024 | State of health, performance and lifetime | New conformity assessment procedures of batteries | Chapter IV. |
18.8.2024 | Restrictions on substances | Batteries shall not contain more than 0,01% of plumbum by weight. (Pb) | Annex I. |
18.2.2025 | Recycling | Commission establishes a methodology for recycling efficiency and recovery of materials | Article 71 |
18.8.2025 | Regulation Administration | Commission establishes an infringements rules for Regualation abuses | |
18.8.2025 | Due diligence policies | Economic operators with net turnover more than 40 mil. EUR fullfil the due diligence obligations placing the batteries on the market or put them into service | Article 48 |
18.8.2025 | Regulation Administration | Member states designate national (competent) authorities to monitor and verify compliance by producers of batteries and producer responsibility organizations | |
18.8.2025 | Marking | Batteries shall be marked with the symbol for separate collection of batteries | Article 13 |
31.12.2025 | Recycling | Shall be reached the following recycling efficiencies: lead-acid batterie 75%, lithium-based batteries 65%, nickel-cadmium batteries 80%, other waste batteries 50%. | Annex XII |
1.1.2026 | Survey of municipal solid waste a WEEE | Each member state shall to carry out a survey of composition of municipal solid waste and WEEE to determine the content of the batteries | Article 69 |
18.8.2026 | Recycling | Commission shall review a revision, if necessary of a recycling efficiency and recovery of materials | Article 71 |
18.8.2026 | Marking | Batteries shall bear a label containing an information about their lifetime in a specific equipment and a wordphrase non-rechargeable | Article 13 |
18.8.2026 | Marking | Batteries shall bear a label containing the general information | Article 13 |
18.8.2026 | Marking | Batteries shall bear a label containing information on their capacity. | Article 13 |
18.2.2027 | Removability of batteries | Must be assured removability and a replaceability of batteries built-in the products by the end-users. | Article 11 |
18.2.2027 | Marking | Batteries shall be marked with a QR code | Article 13 |
18.8.2027 | Collection | Commission establishes a methodology to calculate the collection rate | Article 59 |
18.8.2027 | State of health, performance and lifetime | Commission establishes the minimum values for the electrochemical performance and durability | Article 9 |
31.12.2027 | Restrictions on substances | Commission shall prepare a report on substances of concern doubts | Article 6 |
31.12.2027 | Recycling | Must be reached the minimum rate of recovery materials: Ni, Co, Cu, Pb – 90%, Li – 50% | Annex XII |
31.12.2027 | Collection | Efficiency of the collection raises to 63% | Article 59 |
31.12.2027 | Deposit return system | Commission shall assess the feasibility of deposit return system for batteries | Article 63 |
18.8.2028 | State of health, performance and lifetime | Batteries must meet the minimum values for the electrochemical performance and durability | Article 9 |
31.12.2030 | Recycling | Must be reached the following recycling efficiency: Pb baterries 80%, lithium-based batteries 70% | Annex XII |
31.12.2030 | Collection | Efficiency raised up to 73% | Article 59 |
31.12.2030 | Carbon footprint | Commission consider a possibility publish a carbon footprint certificate | Article 7 |
31.12.2030 | Phase out of primary batteries | Commission shall assess the feasibility of measures to phase out non-rechargeable batteries | Article 9 |
31.12.2031 | Recycling | Must be reached the minimum rate of recovery materials: Ni, Co, Cu, Pb – 95%, Li – 80% | Annex XII |
The table was created in cooperation with ECOBAT s.r.o.
The full text of the Batteries and Waste Batteries Regulation can be found here.