In 2018 we recycled almost 7 million kilograms of waste electrical and electronic equipment
6. 3. 2019
As a producer responsibility organization for electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) and batteries and accumulators (BA), ASEKOL SK collected and helped recycle more than 6.8 million kilograms of waste EEE and over 190,000 kilograms of used portable BAs in 2018. ASEKOL SK thus met the collection and recycling goals determined by the legislation applicable to EEE and BA producers and importers.
In 2018 ASEKOL SK collected and helped recycle 500,000 kilograms of waste EEE (WEEE) more than in 2017, which was its best achievement in its history.
In 2018 collection increased most in the category of small electrical appliances such as hair driers, toys, blenders and other small electronic equipment, which are the most difficult to collect and their collection and recycling were lagging behind other WEEE. “Results show that the red-and-white containers intended for the collection of small electrical appliances which ASEKOL SK has placed in six towns are bringing results. It is also thanks to the red-and-white containers that we have managed to collect and recycle more than 2 million kilograms of small electrical and electronic equipment which has thus become the largest group of collected and recycled WEEE.” said Ronald Blaho, ASEKOL SK´s executive officer.
At over 1.5 million kilograms, TV sets represented the second largest category of WEEE in 2018, closely followed by household fridges at almost 1.5 million kilograms, and other white goods (e.g. ovens, washing machines) at 1.2 million kilograms.
Separate collection of end-of-life EEE and BA is very important because this is the only way we can recycle them and prevent them from polluting the environment.
Collection of WEEE and of used batteries and accumulators is financed from contributions of producers placing EEE and BA on the market. In accordance with the Waste Act (79/2015 Coll. on Waste) an extended responsibility principle applies to producers, which means that producers are responsible for treating products they produce also after the end of the products´ lifecycles, i.e. at the stage of WEEE or used batteries and accumulators. Producers of EEE and BA are obliged to ensure compliance with the determined limits for collection, recovery and recycling which increase every year.