Eco-modulation in the legislative process – current status

28. 11. 2022

Following the announced changes in the record-keeping of packaging and non-packaging products placed on the market in connection with eco-modulation, which will take place from 1 January 2023, please allow us to inform you about the current situation.

The Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic has submitted an amendment to Decree No. 371/2015 Coll., implementing certain provisions of the Waste Act, to the inter-ministerial comment procedure.

The submitted proposal is open for comments until 5 December 2022 and is available here.

You can send us your comments on the proposal by email to [email protected] until 1 December 2022 and subsequently they will be incorporated into the comments of the producer responsibility organisation ASEKOL SK.

The draft Decree regulates selected details on the material composition of packaging and non-packaging products in relation to durability, repairability, reusability, recyclability and the presence of hazardous substances through the new Annex 10c. It also sets out how producers of packaging and producers of non-packaging products shall provide data on the material composition of packaging and non-packaging products placed on the market to the contractual producer responsibility organisation for packaging.

The draft Decree further regulates the details of the weighing of mixed waste and the sorted components of municipal waste from packaging and municipal waste from non-packaging products, and at the same time establishes the ways in which the collection company can meet the requirements of the municipality for the weighing of waste collected on its territory.