General Information

Slovak municipalities and towns are important partners for ASEKOL SK in the collection of separated electric and electronic waste and used batteries and accumulators.

Towns usually delegate their participation competence on designated, subsidised town organisations and/or non-profit organisations such as Technical Services, Town Service Companies and/or the town’s own joint stock companies. Municipalities have been enjoying growing support with the establishment of collecting yards in their administration area. ASEKOL SK therefore offers cooperation from which both parties benefit. Municipalities can participate in the collection of electric waste, used batteries and accumulators.

Cooperation can be started based on a contractual relationship with the registered collective organisation ASEKOL SK, authorised by the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic. Commodities are collected from the collecting yards through a regional transportation company based on an order of the collecting yard provider sent to: [email protected]. Towns and municipalities that have started a contractual relationship with ASEKOL SK can enjoy many benefits – not only financial.